Monday, February 2, 2009

Love & Kisses

by Carolyn Mayo, APR

Hey – get your mind out of the gutter! I’m not referring to office romance or carnal love here (even though February’s main attraction is Valentine’s Day) . . . I’m talking about the love that makes the business world go round. Clients, customers, employees and partners alike all need to know that you care and there is no better time than the present to nurture the relationships that can make a difference.

You won’t be alone. A nationwide survey of chief executive officers by Vistage International, the world’s leading chief executive organization (, reports that at a whopping 47 percent customer retention and growth is the top business strategy for thriving/surviving 2009. This is more than double the next strategy of tighter management of cash flow. According to business consultant and executive speaker Howard Hyden, customers go away for just five reasons. At the top of the list lies the “I don’t care” attitude of indifference by an employee or key contact.

And, it’s ironic to note that the best way to show ‘em the love is the KISS variety (“keep it simple, stupid”)!
  • Say thank you – make sure clients and customers know you appreciate their business, that your employees and partners understand you appreciate their commitment and hard work. I received a handwritten note from a someone thanking me for VOLLMER’s business at the beginning of the year. It stands out in my mind more than any one of the holiday cards that were stacked on my desk.

  • Make them look good – it has nothing to do with conceit. It’s a basic human desire to look good and sound smart to bosses, co-workers, family and friends. Well crafted “kudos” can go a long way in lifting spirits and bolstering self esteem.

  • Do unto others . . . think about the things that you value in a business relationship and pay it forward. This theme was celebrated in the book Pay It Forward by Katherine Ryan Hyde which was made into a movie starring Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt in 2000. It has spawned the growth a foundation (

  • Do your homework – demonstrate your commitment by being prepared, thinking about future needs and having your facts straight.

  • Look for face time – this is not the time to hide behind emails, after-hours voice mails, blog posts or Tweets. Make it authentically face-to-face when possible. It’s harder to say no to someone who’s looking you in the eye and whether you are in sales, media relations or leading a company . . . you want to get to “yes.”

  • Phone home -- in the absence of information, one of three things will happen: 1) people will think the worst; 2) they’ll spend time talking amongst themselves; and 3) they’ll make something up to fill the void. This is true in good times and bad, but it can be especially damaging when you really need to keep moving efficiently.

  • Treats work – tokens of appreciation, reward or even commiseration form a bond especially when it’s personal. A double-shot espresso delivery for the employee who stays up late working on a project. A handful of daisies for the client who needs cheering up. An impromptu “jeans” day for the straight-laced corporate office. The treats don’t have to be expensive, just meaningful.

  • Smile – even when you are on the phone. It’s contagious – just try it. Smile at someone on the street, in a busy airport or right before a big meeting. The concept of behavior modeling or mirroring is well established and a common practice in behavior modification in children, but it works adults as well. Go ahead and smile at someone. See if they don’t smile right back.

  • Take care of number one – that’s right; you also have to make sure you take care of yourself and feed the body, mind and spirit. We know it’s true, yet time and again, we end up putting ourselves at the bottom of the list. Need some help? Just Google “life balance” and a mere 24 million results will pop up. Here’s a couple to get you started if you need a nudge.

So get out there and spread the love.

SWAK (“sealed with a kiss” for those of you that have forgotten!),

Your VOLLMER Valentine

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post reminding us of the simple things we can and should be doing to demonstrate we LOVE OUR CLIENTS!

Thanks for sharing this. I just forwarded it to our company.