Who has the greenest company of them all? You? A client? A friend? Get the recognition you deserve. Fill out the Clean Air Champions and Best Workplaces for Commuters application!
In order to qualify as one of the Best Workplaces for Commuters, your organization must offer at least one of the following primary benefits:
❑ At least $30 per month towards a transit pass or vanpool pass (or the full cost of a pass if it is less than $30) to each employee who commutes using transit or a vanpool.
❑ A significant telework program that reduces by at least 6 percent the number of commuting trips employees make.
❑ At least $30 per month (in lieu of providing a parking spot) to each employee who leaves their car at home and commutes another way.
❑ An equivalent benefit that provides similar value to employees, reduces traffic and air pollution, and is agreed to by the Center for Urban Transportation Research.
Your organization must also offer access to an Emergency Ride Home program and 3 supporting benefits, such as carpool matching, shuttles and on-site amenities (e.g., cafeteria, dry cleaners). If you have fewer than 20 employees, you need only provide one supporting benefit.
The Houston-Galveston Area Council seeks to further recognize the Best Workplaces for Commuters by designating them as Clean Air Champions and documenting their emission reductions as part of the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the Federal Environmental Protection Agency.
Green is good!
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