Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are You Following Me?

by Mary Kate Smither, Vollmer Public Relations

At the end of July, millions of tweeters logged into their Twitter accounts and noticed a decrease, sometimes significant, in followers. For once, a drop was positive, as Twitter took measures to eliminate spam accounts and correct data inconsistencies. When I noticed the drop of about 40 followers from my account @mksmither and discovered the reason it brought to mind a question we often receive when working with clients to help them engage in Twitter: “How do I know if the people following me are the ‘right’ people and how do I attract them as followers?”

This is an excellent question as we strive every day to make sure that our efforts impact upon the correct audiences to achieve measurable, successful results that will help meet our clients’ end goals. Luckily, there are some simple ways to help make sure you’ve got the right followers. First, make sure you’re following the right people that fall within your brand’s target audiences. This can be done easily enough just by using Twitter’s advanced search capability that allows you to search by keywords, hashtags, people, places, etc. Other services, like Twellow, which acts as a yellow pages for Twitter, offer lists of Twitter users broken down by industry and topic. In addition to using tools such as these, here are some questions to ask yourself that can help determine whether or not the people following you are the right targets to help further spread your messages.
  • How often do they tweet?
  • How often do they tweet about topics similar to the issues surrounding your brand?
  • How often do they retweet your tweets or ask you questions that engage about your brand?
  • Who are their followers, and how many of them are common to your followers?

Looking to take your Twitter feed to the next level? Contact Mary Kate Smither, Vollmer’s social media practice leader, at marykate@vollmerpr.com or 972.488.4790.

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