Monday, November 23, 2009

Fifty Nifty United States: Destination Marketing Meets Social Media

by Kim Tillinghast Vollmer Public Relations Austin

As the media sphere shifts increasingly toward online content, so do marketers nationwide – 50 of them in particular.  State tourism boards are increasingly present on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, developing tangible resources and encouraging two-way dialogue with consumers.  Granted, as governmental entities, state agencies must take caution when considering content and inviting a public conversation.  Despite these boundaries, however, states have tremendous opportunities at hand (or fingertips) to creatively reach new audiences.

The State of Michigan (@puremichigan) offers a solid example of viral destination marketing done thoroughly and effectively.  Michigan’s Twitter page visually represents the state, links back to the Web site, and consistently posts content multiple times a day to 2,700+ followers.  It also transparently indicates that “Michigan has hands, but @mwygnal [a travel marketing specialist] is tweeting.”  The state also has a Flickr page for mutual photo sharing and a dedicated YouTube channel featuring statewide landscapes and attractions. The state’s Facebook fan page consistently shares images, videos and trivia with more than 22,000 loyal, vocal fans.  To top it all off, Michigan’s official travel and tourism blog features special events, recipes, photo tours, interviews, guest bloggers, and media coverage.

Arizona Tourism has reached similar success with its presence on several social media sites, garnering upwards of 10,000 fans on Facebook and more than 6,000 Twitter followers (@ArizonaTourism).  Arizona also has a dedicated Flickr site featuring monthly photo contests,  and tourism officials  pay attention.  A New Jersey nature lover recently tweeted, “Any recommendations of what to do, where to stay and best way to get to the Grand Canyon? Planning a possible trip in December.”  Less than two hours later, Arizona Tourism responded, “Be prepared for cold weather and snow in Dec. See for lots of info. @GrandCanyonRail is fun and they make planning easy!”  The user likely spotted the recommendation in her “Replies” section and was surprised and impressed by the prompt attention and resources.

Vollmer client Texas Tourism has recently joined the land of Twitter (@texastourism), sharing helpful tidbits, trivia and travel news from around the state.  The site gained followers in triple digits in its first two days and continues to build followers on a daily basis, from loyal Texans and ex-pats, to national convention and visitors bureaus and travel media.  Additional social media platforms are being considered for future roll-out.

These and other state tourism boards (such as New York State’s award-winning @i_love_ny), are smart to capitalize on this quickly expanding method–particularly with domestic travel on the rise in this economic climate.  By inserting themselves into an ongoing online conversation, they become transparent, tangible sources of information, lending a personality and a face (er., icon) to a destination.  And we think that’s pretty nifty!

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