Thursday, January 28, 2010

Love App First Site: Apps for Valentine's

by Katelyn Powers, Vollmer Public Relations New York City

Yikes, Cupid has hit the mother lode this year with everyone's obsession with phone applications. says that, according to projections by Gartner Inc., users of mobile devices will download some $6.2 billion worth of applications from online stores in 2010, nearly double what was spent last year.

What better time to spread some techie love than with a few new mobile/messaging apps that are sure to heat you up this Valentine's Day - err, at least your phone?
Date Check
Date Check, developed by Intelius, can help you figure out who your prospective date really is. With features such as Sleaze Detector, Compatibility, $$$, Interests and Living Situation, you can do a background check simply by entering a name, phone number or email address. In the company’s words: "Look up before you hook up."

Developed by QEntertainment, Q?pid is a social puzzle game for iPhone and iPod touch users. It's a two-player game that can serve as a social ice-breaker or flirtatious entertainment.  It's made up of puzzles that require players to work together in a single gesture, each using a finger, in order to reveal a mystery photo.

Vpype Greeting
A social video company just recently launched a free vGreeting messaging application for this Valentine's Day. Anyone on Facebook can create a personal V-Day video message and send it to a shared network of loved ones.

In hopes that old school chivalry will persevere, these mobile/messaging cherubs are just a fun little addition to help you enjoy Valentine's Day.

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