Friday, February 12, 2010

Helen Vollmer's Straw Poll

by Helen Vollmer, CEO, Vollmer Public Relations

Okay, I want to take my own version of a straw poll.  Literally.   As I was handed a straw at the movie theater last week and recoiled, I realized that I am straw-averse.  That’s right—I see absolutely no value to those thin plastic tubes that people drink from.  Never have.  Never will.

It made me wonder two things:  1) how many others are there out there like me that think straws are stupid? (hence the straw poll); and 2) what other weirdnesses do I have/ share with other people?  

In taking a quick mental inventory, I immediately came up with three other specific things that I don’t like even though the rest of the world takes to them like a duck to water. 
  • Running shoes.  Call them what you like—tennis shoes, sneakers, whatever— the thought of putting my feet into these podiatric sweat lodges is horrifying to me.  And, yes, I do own them and wear them for athletic purposes but I truly believe that the reason I prefer Pilates, dancing, bicycling and swimming is because my feet don’t feel claustrophobic during these activities.

  • Gum.  That’s right—what is the point of chewing gum?  After about a minute your jaws hurt.  Plus, the flavors that gum typically comes in are downright disgusting.  And I don’t care what the experts say; chicle is no substitution for chomping down on a piece of candy.  And, of course, with gum you also have the burden with what to do with that wad that’s taking space amongst your molars.

  • Oysters.  I swear I have tried to like oysters—in fact, every year I try. Oysters raw. Oysters fried. Oysters deviled. Oysters baked.  It doesn’t matter—it all either tastes like I am either swallowing my own tongue or I am eating tire rubber.  I just don’t get it.  At this point in my life it’s just easier to tell people I have a food allergy.
As far as I can tell, there’s no reason I don’t like any of the above.  The nuns in third grade didn’t try to force feed me oysters.  No love of my life made me run a marathon.  And even though my mother always told me that ladies don’t chew gum, if I’d believed her then I probably would have become a Wrigley’s addict.
So now that I’ve confessed that I’m just not on the same page with the rest of society on certain popular items, who’s with me?  Take my straw poll and let’s start our own Oyster party!  Let the people speak!
For or Against?
Running Shoes

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Mauren said...

For straws - The thought of putting my lips on a glass at a restaurant that half the time doesn't look completely clean anyway grosses me out.

Love running shoes - The only thing more comfortable are a nice pair of crocs.

Mixed feelings on gum - I like the freshness of it but can't stand chewing it for more than about 2 minutes when I start to feel like I'm choking on something that by any other logic should have disappeared by now.

Could do without oysters - I've only had them once and while I didn't find them terribly bad, I have to agree on the texture. It just feels wrong.

The Flying Escargot said...

I LOVE oysters, especially raw with lemon juice, but it was definitely an acquired taste. I only like running shoes for running since they're usually not that attractive. Minty gum is useful for a quick freshen-up just before a meeting, and straws to me are a thing of luxury since I rarely come across them!