Wednesday, August 18, 2010

College Freshmen Show: The More Things Change, The More They Change

Want a glimpse of the future? Look at the   incoming freshmen for the class of 2014.
Beloit College has published its annual Mindset List, capturing the everyday realities and paradigms of the next crop of  new college students. It never fails to deliver a jolt of reality to anyone who feels their college years aren’t really that far behind.
Created for college professors to help them understand whom they are teaching, the Mindset List is a handy touchstone for those outside of academia, too. Consider that, in a few short years, these students will be in prime marketing demographic territory.
This year’s college freshmen were born in 1992 and were about nine years old on Sept. 11, 2001.
According to Beloit College:
  • Few know how to write in cursive.
  • Email is too slow and they seldom, if ever, use snail mail.
  • Russians and Americans have always been living together in space.
  • Czechoslovakia has never existed. 
  • Nirvana is on the classic oldies station.
  • John McEnroe has never played professional tennis.
  • Fergie is a pop singer, not a princess.
  • A quarter of the class has at least one immigrant parent, and the immigrant debate is not a big priority.
As a public relations company that does a lot with different education clients, this list is a 'must-read' for Vollmer!  For the full list, visit
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