It’s that time of year again: we’re on the brink of flu season, a time when people across the country rush to protect themselves and their families from the potentially deadly virus. Here at Edelman, we are particularly aware of flu season since we represent clients that offer workplace and walk-in healthcare services.
This year, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) warns that the flu bug already has reared its ugly head in states across the U.S., and is strongly recommending that all men, women – including pregnant women – and children older than six months receive the seasonal flu vaccine as soon as it becomes available.
Tips to keep in mind as we enter the flu season:
The best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated. There are two types of vaccines this flu season.
The traditional flu shot is the most common and well known vaccine available, and involves an injection given into the muscle. Check with your local clinic or doctor’s office for availability.
Have a problem with needles? (I do!) The FluMist® is a needle-free, nasal-spray flu vaccine that is approved for children and adults 2-49 years of age. This vaccine is administered with a gentle, quick spray in each nostril – one of the places where the flu virus enters the body.
Remember the 2009 H1N1 virus, better known as the swine flu? This year, the CDC expects the H1N1 virus to cause illness again along with a number of other influenza viruses. Luckily, this year’s flu vaccine (both the injectable and the flu mist) will protect against the 2009 H1N1 and two other influenza viruses as well, so you’ll only need to get one vaccine to protect yourself from all of those strains.
Sometimes, try as you might, you still get bit by the flu bug. Should this happen, walk-in to your local clinic and a clinician can perform a diagnostic test for your symptoms, then provide effective treatment options to get you better faster.
Remember, many people, including the elderly, young children and people with certain health conditions are at a higher risk for serious flu complications. The flu also can make chronic health problems worse. The best way to protect yourself, your family and the people you come into contact with from the flu virus is to get the flu vaccine each year as soon as it is available.
With all that said, if you do get the flu this year, please stay home and take care of yourself. You’ll be doing us all a huge favor!
Stay healthy!
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