The holiday season is hectic – we all know that. But despite the added activities and stress, people seem to be more aware of others this time of year and eager to accept opportunities to be more like George Bailey than the Grinch.
However, amidst the decorating, shopping and preparing for parties and houseguests, there’s not a lot of spare time to be found. In an effort to make this holiday season a little less stressful, here are some thoughts on easy ways to give back this holiday season.
1. Raise Awareness
There are lots of great causes this time of year you can easily support without much effort. For example, if you’re a guy, there’s still a few days left to grow a moustache or ‘mo’ during the month of November, which is now becoming more commonly known as Movember. Edelman is adopting this global charity and Edelman client to help raise awareness and funds for men’s health, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives. Whatever cause is most important to you, make sure to tell more people about it this year.
2. Make a Quick Donation
Whether it’s an online monetary contribution or dropping off actual goods, take a few minutes to make a donation. It doesn’t take much time to get on a website such as and give to those who have been affected by disasters like Superstorm Sandy. While you’re at the grocery store, you may want to consider picking up some extra canned goods for your local food pantry. Or, during your holiday shopping, add a few extra toys to your basket to give to a group like Toys for Tots.
3. Collaborate with Colleagues
In lieu of a holiday party this year, consider spending that time volunteering with your colleagues for a local charity, or pulling together funds to sponsor a child or family from an Angel Tree. If the holiday season proves to be too hectic for everyone, find time during the remainder of the year to give back in your city. In the past year, Edelman Dallas has helped paint and furnish an apartment to get it ready for a new family with Family Gateway and has helped make meals for Hunger Busters’ after school program.
4. Alter your Gift Exchange
How many times have you said, “I have no idea what to give so-and-so.”? The truth is many of us have more than we could ever need. If you’re not quite sure what to get someone this year, make a donation in his or her name or add the names of a few charities to your own wish list. Skip the Secret Santa and White Elephant gift exchanges with your friends and family, and pool the money you would have spent to make a more impactful gift to someone in need.
5. Clean Out Your Closet
As you start to look at your winter wardrobe, evaluate what you don’t need anymore, especially coats, sweaters, gloves and other winter gear. Look out for local coat drives and notices on your door about clothing item pickups, or drop off items with Goodwill or The Salvation Army. Also, check your cabinets for extra beauty products or toiletries you’ve picked up on your travels throughout the year that can be donated.
We hope these ideas will provide a little bit of inspiration for ways you can make a difference this holiday season for those in need. Send us a Tweet to let us know what you’re doing to give back this year.
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