Monday, July 8, 2013

The Big Hit: TIME for DigitalGlobe

Bookmark and ShareBy Abby Van Uum, Account Executive, Austin

The Big Hit is a monthly feature of notable media coverage secured for a client by an Edelman Southwest team member.

After securing a significant hit with TIME last fall, Austin’s Abby Van Uum worked to establish DigitalGlobe, a leading global provider of commercial high-resolution earth imagery products and services, as an ongoing photo resource for the outlet. This relationship paid off several months later when photo editor Jonathan Woods reached out looking for a before/after satellite photo of the conflict in Syria.

Because of the relationship Woods and Van Uum had built up, Abby was able to provide a photo and position Digital Globe’s analysis team as expert sources. The result was a full feature that included client quotes, nine images and a specially-built photo tool that had never before been used by TIME.

“The Destruction of a Nation: Syria’s War Revealed in Satellite Imagery” was TIME’s most-read story online, ultimately reaching nearly 3.6M unique viewers. It was shared 1,400 times on Facebook, 1,304 times on Twitter, and 640 times on Google+.  Now that TIME is familiar with DigitalGlobe’s images and expertise, Abby has helped unlock several additional opportunities with the outlet. The full article can be found here

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