Friday, May 1, 2009

Facebook versus Face Time: How to Build Relationships with Influencers

by Lindsay Stout and Meredith McKee

Social networking is a popular buzz term, but “networking” is nothing new. And while we all love Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, it’s hard not to get lost in the “Twittersphere” of social media and forget our goals of networking and building stronger relationships. So this month, let’s all take a step back and ask ourselves: “What do I want, and who should I be connecting with to achieve it?”

When it comes to the media and influencers who can help get you what you want, there’s a process to building strong connections and maintaining those relationships. At VOLLMER, we are always re-evaluating this process. Are we staying in touch with the right people? How can we improve our communication skills? To make new connections, we join new groups, play on teams, get involved in community activities, and branch out as much as we can.

The worst thing you can do is go to an event and speak only to the people you already know. Step out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to someone new. That person could be your next friend, boss, client, or biggest advocate for your product.

Once the connection is made, remember to stay in touch with both the old and the new people in your life. Send your friends a Happy Birthday message on Facebook – there’s a daily reminder right on the home page. And nothing could be easier than a quick Tweet or an e-mail (or the ”old-fashioned” personal handwritten note) to say hello. While the new social tools keep you connected, try not to lose the personal touch with your key influencers. Make a goal for yourself of how many people you want to meet with each month on a one-to-one basis, and then determine exactly who you want to see. Whether it’s over coffee, for lunch, or at an event or association meeting, face-to-face interaction is priceless. Afterwards, make a point to follow up with them. You can even take it a step further by connecting those people with others in your sphere of influence.

One of VOLLMER’s key influencer groups is local media, so each month we invite someone from the Dallas-Fort Worth media to our office for lunch and to talk about the latest from their organization, as well as to share tips on best practices for working with their individual media outlet. Representatives from a variety of D-FW media – including the Dallas Business Journal and KXAS-TV (NBC) – have visited, allowing the Dallas Vollmervillians to establish more personal, direct relationships with local media contacts.

Remember: We are all being flooded with messages on a daily basis, and it’s important to stay in consistent and meaningful contact with your connections, influencers, and target groups in order not to get lost in the masses.

Looking for another new connection? Feel free to follow us on Twitter (@LStout and @meredithlmckee) or send us an e-mail at or We also enjoy lunch if you prefer some face time.

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