Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to School

by Carolyn Mayo, Vollmer President

This time each year I can't help but think about all those shining faces headed back to school, primed and ready to learn (one can only hope!). Some things never change. I still love cracking open brand new notebooks, selecting just the right pen and sniffing the distinctive scent of a freshly sharpened number 2 pencil.

Learning doesn't stop with the school bell, so while we may not be marching off to class these days, we should take a peek into our virtual backpacks. Balance business and fun. Combine reading up on Kim and Mauborgne's Blue Ocean Strategy with learning how to refinish antique furniture or a trying the yoga program on your kid's Wii. Think of it as your own personal curriculum.

So - what's in your backpack this year? Love to hear back from you.
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